In recent years, regulation witnessed a shift to more holistic and comprehensive frameworks that require a problem-solving attitude and involvement of new players in a more collaborative, multi-sectoral, forward-looking, and cross-border approach to meet expectations of this dynamic sector, the West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly (WATRA) through Resolution AGA20/CR/23/R06 (Adoption of the 2023 Annual Plan/Program of Activities of WATRA) approved the establishment of three (3) Working Groups to address critical regulatory issues in the sub-region. These Working Groups will focus on Infrastructure Development, Consumer Access and Experience, and Cybersecurity. The purpose of this document is to outline each working group’s objectives, responsibilities, and composition.
Within the framework of implementation of the 2022-2025 WATRA Strategic Plan, that promotes collaboration amongst WATRA members and key stakeholders, the Conference of Regulators approved the creation of working groups to serve as a major platform for the exchange of ideas, views and experiences among members and key stakeholders on all aspects of laws and regulations within the electronic communications’ sector. The Working Groups will be a platform for discussions, exchange of ideas and coordination between WATRA members, ECOWAS Commission, Private Telecoms Operators and Service Providers, Academia, and other key stakeholders; and will also play an advisory role to the Conference of Regulators and the Executive Committee on regulatory issues.